September 4, 2014
At the invitation of the Mexico City Ministry of Culture, the documentary Huicholes: The Last Peyote Guardians by Hernán Vílchez was presented at the Fiesta ofIndigenous Cultures on 28 August on the Zócalo of Mexico.
As part of the pre-function activities, a working session was held with all the authorities of the Wixaritari communities to work together. See Minutes of the August 28 Agreements.
As a part of the agreements and the philosophy of the production team is to report on revenues and expenditures that are made from the exhibition the film and the promotion of spiritual, productive and cultural projects in the Sierra Huichol and Wirikuta.
As part of the agreements the documentary will be presented at the end of the weekof September 6-7 at the general assembly of the community of San Sebastián and the General Assembly of Santa Catarina in late October. Similarly a function will be held in Bancos de San Hipólito. For this, the Regional Wixárika Council and the Wixárika Union of Ceremonial Centers agreed to carry out the projections, with a DVD disc of the documentary and projection equipment. See engagement letter. Charter Huichol DVD delivery – for assemblies Commitment Letter – Exhibition in Wixaritari Communities
As part of this exercise we share the costs to society of the presentation in the Zocalo of Mexico City, which was attended by 3000 people. Download Zocalo report (PDF)
Note related to this event:
Filmmakers Sign Historic Agreement With Huichol Authorities in Mexico City