The film, directed by Hernán Vilchez and produced by Paola Stefani, was released at Real de Catorce, San Luis Potosí, Mexico during the month of May of this year. Since then, there have been continuous screenings in Mexico and other Latinamerican countries. Many of these have been presented for free in public spaces, the biggest one being the one at Mexico City’s zocalo on August 28th, with 3000 viewers. Wixaritari (huichol) traditional authorities and people from all of the wixaritari (huichol) communities supported and helped promote the event, trusting it will help protect the sacred territory of Wirikuta located in the dessert of San Luis Potosí, as well as the protection of Mother Earth, an issue that concern everyone living in this planet.
Since May of this year, more than twenty thousand people have watched the film. According to the producers, it is time to spread the message of the huichol people in other parts of the world. For this reason, they are starting a journey, along with two members of the Ramirez family (huicholes playing the main role in the documentary), through more than twenty cities of the United States and Canada.
Four years ago, the wixárika people publicly spoke out against mining concessions in Wirikuta, requesting their cancellation. These concessions are currently suspended as a consequence of legal complaint submitted by the wixárika people. However, the cancellation has not been achieved yet.
Civil society’s participation in Mexico and the world has been fundamental to sustain the spiritual struggle of the wixárika people, as well as the defense of indigenous people in Mexico. Once more, the support of civil society is requested as well as the collaboration in this fundraising campaign in Indiegogo, one of the most prestigious funding digital plataforms.
Economic contributions and help to promote this campaign are requested.
Indiegogo campaign for Huicholes: The Last Peyote Guardians
Source: Jornada Newspaper
(México, October 30, 2014)